Fact About Getting Bulky From Lifting/ Click on the picture

This pic says it all. Actually I will add to it. Lifting weights makes men & women huge? …

That’s right. By most accounts when some of you talk to a trainer they’ll tell you you’re not eating enough. They’ll say, do the workout I tell you. Eat 5 to 8 meals a day, reduce the portions. This will speed your metabolism and voila! WRONNNNGGGG!!!!

Like I’ve mentioned before, all these models including the one on here, train super hard but they all have their macros (nutritional breakdowns) down to a science. Most clients that are not in fitness tell me they don’t want to get big. They want to shed fat and tone up. Regardless of your goals, you will still train very hard! Unless you want to continuously train and see only minor results.

There are some exceptions like DNA and genetics. Some people come from family background that were all athletes at some level. There are also those who from early childhood had twelve pack abs and toned strong legs while having pizza and skittles all day. We all know at least one of those.

All the rest of us can lift very hard and not have huge muscles like that. It takes dieting and adding layers of muscle then dieting again to lose layers of water and unwanted adipose. Nutrition nutrition nutrition.

A toned body with nice muscle definition takes dedication in the gym to acquire a proper base. All awhile a consistent nutrion plan must be in place to accommodate for the desired look.

So…ladies and gentlemen lift hard! Lift smart! You won’t bulk up if the proper nutrition is aligned. Know the numbers needed… how much of what. Count calories, weigh your food. If you’re saying “awwe man” to this then yes continue working out and staying active as it has many rewards. Every once in a while look at this picture and ask yourself, “am I ready to take that step to greatness?”

If the answer is a definite yes! Contact me.