Working Out When You Have Kids

Many people come to me about having things that get in the way of getting their training sessions in.
One of the main reasons is our kids. Our kids is one of those that we just can’t and won’t work around as they’re our lives and responsibility. They spend way too much time away from us as is, be it school or child care.
To those I say, let’s involve our kids. Here you see one of OEG family lovely moms not allowing our babies to stop us, but the contrary. She’s involving her 17mo baby girl, not an easy age (great job mom, you two look super). This is great bonding time and most importantly creates active lifestyle ideals and memories for our children that live in an increasingly tech world with video games and social media.
I had a running stroller and would proudly go for runs with my son. I would time it so by the time we got back from a few miles it would be nap time and I would do my resistance workout then. You can involve your little ones by doing push ups with them on your back or squatting while hugging them. There are limitless possibilities to play, bond, educate our kids to a healthy (play time). As they grow, you can see in the pics, you can play paddle games (hand eye) or do circuit training at a park. This challenges them while still getting your workout in.

I have people that wait til the whole family is asleep then they go get their resistance training. Some do it before the home wakes up.

Get your workout in!

Soon I will comment on how you can stretch together. A little more difficult as it is less fun to them but I have a way that they enjoy because they are involved. Ultimately that’s all every kid wants, to be part of all we do.